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In 2019, FOSD PAID $44,766 IN VET BILLS

Below is a sample of some of the dogs that our supporters have helped to vet in 2020



We often get puppies with parvovirus. If they are left untreated, they will not live. Their care is very expensive, but they have their whole lives ahead of them. They are worth every penny.


Kanga  $950.96

Little Kanga was one puppy in litter of 7. All of them had parvovirus. One of them didn’t make it. The rest survived and were sent to a partner rescue for further care. 


Stella & Amadaeus & Bronny  $1,135.31 

 Stella & Amadaeus & Bronny came from a litter of 11.

They all had parvovirus. Very sadly, five of these precious lives didn’t make it despite around the clock care, but 6 of them survived and are flourishing today in loving homes.


Twinkle  $390.89

Sweet Twinkle came in all by herself. You can tell she was one sick puppy. After she was strong enough to travel, she went to a partner rescue to convalesce.


The shelter also gets in many dogs with severe skin conditions. From flea alleries to bacterial infections, to mange, we see it all. 

Zeke  $269.61

Zeke’s, skin and ears were also in terrible shape, but he had such a beautiful smile that a partner rescue fell in love with him. He is now in his forever home.


Mac  $221.42

Mac was practically naked when he came in and his ears were painful and crusty with infection.  He was fostered locally by a couple, and they decided they could not live without him.  He is a permanent resident of their home and has a few kitties as housemates.



Bailey  $470.97

Bailey had been hit by a car and was so severely injured and severely dehydrated, we feared she would not be able to walk again. She convalesced with an FOSD foster for several weeks, and then went to a special needs rescue. Sweet Bailey is now walking, but best of all she was adopted by her foster.


Ginger  $423.05 

Ginger was found in the median. She had also been hit by a car. She went to a partner rescue, was adopted, and is now enjoying a new life in her new home.  


Lucy  $208.05 

Poor Lucy, not only had heartworm, she also had an eye condition that warranted surgery. She is now with her forever family.  


Drea  $446

Drea was also heartworm positive. Her first treatment cost. She was adopted and her new family continued her care. Heartworm is deadly without treatment. 


Granny  $728.56

Granny was an adorable senior that was in congestive heart failure. She is in the home of a hospice foster with a partner rescue.


Kiara  $164.45

Kiara came in with two of her siblings. All of them were very sick with roundworm & coccidia. We put these babies into a foster home to recover, and they were all adopted in June.


Starsky & Hutch  $471.29

These little puppies, Starsky & Hutch, were sucked dry from fleas and severely dehydrated. It was touch and go for a while, but they recovered in one of our FOSD Foster homes and were both rescued.
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